1. As right as rain: cảm thấy rất khỏe khoắn

Ex: Don’t worry! She will be as right as rain tomorrow

  1. Be a breeze: rất dễ dàng

Ex: Making this cake is a breeze

  1. Be snowed under: ngập trong công việc

Ex: Oh, I’m snowed under at work now, I have no time to go shopping with you

  1. Break the ice: phá vỡ sự ngại ngần, im lặng trong giao tiếp

Ex: He smiled and gave me a cup of coffee to break the ice. He’s really friendly

  1. Calm before the storm: sự yên lặng

Ex: Oh, enjoy the calm before the storm. Tomorrow the kids will come back and you will be mad with them

  1. Chase rainbows: theo đuổi ảo mộng, viển vông

Ex: I know you want to become an actor but I think you should stop chasing rainbows and get an office job

  1. Come rain or shine: cho dù chuyện gì xảy ra

Ex: I’ll be there with you come rain or shine, don’t worry

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining: trong cái rủi có cái may

Ex: I was laid off from work yesterday, but every cloud has a silver lining and now I can spend more time writing my book

  1. Fair-weather friend: bạn cơ hội (chỉ những người chơi lợi dụng)

Ex: Fair-weather friend is not much helpful when you get trouble

  1. Get wind of: nghe lỏm được, nghe phong phanh được

Ex: I come here because I get wind of your insolvency

  1. Have your head in the clouds: để đầu óc ở trên mây, không thực tế

Ex: Since the day she won the singing contest at our school, she has always had her head in the clouds, dreaming of the day she would be a famous singer

  1. It never rains but it pours: họa vô đơn chí

Ex: We had nothing to do for weeks, then suddenly we have all this work to do: it never rains but pours

  1. It’s raining cats and dogs: mưa rất to

Ex: I think I’ll stay home today. It’s raining cats and dogs and I don’t want to drive

  1. On cloud nine: rất sung sướng

Ex: I finally passed my driving exam after 4 tries. I’m on cloud nine!

  1. Put on ice: trì hoãn một việc gì đó

Ex: The project has been put on ice until our boss decides what to do next

  1. Ray of hope: tia hy vọng

Ex: Don’t worry too much, there is a ray of hope after all

  1. Save for a rainy day: dành dụm phòng khi túng thiếu

Ex: I feel very unstable if there is no money left to save for a rainy day

  1. Steal someone thunder: đánh cắp công lao của ai đó

Ex: Sam stole my thunder when he said he’d done all the work. It’s not true – I did most of it!

  1. Storm in a teacup: việc bé xé ra to

Ex: Don’t spend too much time on that argument. It’s just a storm in a teacup.

  1. Storm is brewing: sắp có chuyện rồi

Ex: She decided to go ahead with their wedding, even though all they’ve been doing lately is arguing. I can sense a storm is brewing

  1. Take a rain check: quyết định nhưng chưa làm được ngay

Ex: I love that dress, but could I can’t buy it now. Could I take a rain check on that?

  1. Throw caution to the wind: liều lĩnh, không quan tâm tới lời cảnh báo

Ex: Don’t throw caution to the wind. You know you will lose your job if you do that

  1. Under the weather: mệt mỏi

Ex: She is under the weather, so she will not come to the party.

Cô Sherman

VEB Center vẫn nhận kèm 1-1 online đối với các bạn muốn luyện Ielts Essay, Viết Email, Tiếng Anh Giao tiếp, Biên – Phiên Dịch… Inbox Việt Anh Song Ngữ fanpage để được tư vấn.

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